My girlfriend battled with cancer this past year, it was very quick and she was an inpiration to me for how beautifully she lived her life, especially in the face of cancer. I didn't get to see her too often, most of her energy devoted to getting better and being with her loved ones. Her partner asked me to tie off her loose end of her blanket she was crocheting. This morning I blocked her piece, and as I was blocking it I realised the center was some of my handspun that I given her and many other yarns were from our stash and store. I had given her a weavers pallet and warped her knitters loom for her. It turned out she did not have the energy to weave, but she could crochet, and she crocheted up to her last days. So although I did not see her as often as I had hoped and as much as I felt like I didn't know how I could help, I see now that I was still a part of her life, and this gives me some comfort.

Thanks for sharing, Stephanie. I feel touched by her as well through the Puddlers. We are all so connected.