Wednesday 11 June 2008

Wool washing

Today I spent about six hours sorting, beating, scouring, rinsing and spinning (in an industrial salad spinner) wool that we picked up from a really nice gentleman in Saanich last week. I do see now how you lose about half of it after all of that.

Here are some pics of the progress :)

Raw fleece from a Charollais

Ryan helped "willow" it, before I gave it it series of scouring (fancy term for washing in hot soapy water) and rinsing.

The scouring first water got dark dark brown...

The second was quitea bit cleaner

Starting a rinse

Here it is clean and ready to dry!

In between each step, I gave it a good whirl in the industrial salad spinner that we picked up on the weekend. Worth every penny! It is quite awesome. Hopefully we have a hot sunny day, or at least the winds may dry it.

More pics to follow on the teasing, carding, and rovings to come. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

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